Kosovos framsteg på miljöområdet

Jag har nu landat i Wien strax före 5.00 på söndagsmorgonen och har sju timmar till att skriva rapporter och på så sätt undvika att nästa vecka blir alltför panikartad. Naturligtvis kollar jag mail och annat för att slippa sätta igång. EU-kommissionens KOSOVO (UNDER UNSCR 1244/99) 2008 PROGRESS REPORT är ingen rolig läsning. Jag har inte läst allt, men saxar lite om miljö:

"The Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) has taken steps towards developing an integrated framework for environmental legislation. The Kosovo Environmental Action Plan is connected to a total of 16 sectoral plans. However, only four of the 52 projects envisaged for the period 2007-2010 have been implemented so far. Local environmental action plans for five municipalities have been signed.

Some progress can be reported in the area of horizontal legislation. Following the adoption of provisions on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) through the Law on Environmental Protection, implementation is beginning. Some efforts have been made to increase public awareness and civil society participation in environmental matters.

There are no developments to report in the area of air quality. Relevant legislation is still lacking, and Kosovo still has no air quality monitoring network.

Little progress has been made in the area of waste management. Three municipal dumpsites, in Đakovica/Gjakovë, Kačanik/ Kaçanik and Prizren, have been rehabilitated. The Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) has incorporated all 17 water, waste and irrigation enterprises. The low level of waste bill collection remains a problem for the waste utilities.

There is little progress to report in the area of water quality. One water permit was issued. An administrative instruction on criteria for defining protected drinking water zones and water resources was adopted. The Water Law provides for the establishment of a River Basin Authority, which will be responsible for water resource management in the territory of the river basins. The budgetary implications and the accountability of this institution still have to be addressed. The future responsibilities for the operation and maintenance of publicly owned enterprises and assets in the water sector, which will be transferred to the municipalities, need to be determined. The management responsibilities for urban wastewater treatment and flood control will also need to be defined. Water management forms a key element in the Environment Action Plan, given the growing scarcity of water in Kosovo and the region. The low level of collection of water rates remains a problem for water utilities.

No progress has been made in the field of nature protection. Transposition of the Wild Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive is still pending.

No progress has been made on industrial pollution control and risk management.

There has been little progress in the area of chemicals. The law on chemicals has been promulgated.

There is no progress to report in the area of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). A law on the protection against noise entered into force in March 2008.

As regards administrative capacity, the Environmental Protection Agency is now fully staffed and operational. However, the human and financial resources of the MESP and related institutions (both at national and at local level) are still far from sufficient to address Kosovo’s environmental challenges. The Environmental Protection Advisory Board is not yet established. Both vertical and horizontal coordination between all institutions involved in environmental issues need to be significantly improved. Investments in environmental infrastructure will need to be substantially increased, in particular through support from international donors. The responsibility of the municipalities is currently limited due to lack of capacity in both personnel and funding.

Overall, there is limited progress to report in the field of environment, in particular as regards horizontal legislation. Further efforts are still required in most sectors for the transposition, implementation and enforcement of legislation. The lack of human and financial resources, both at national and at municipal level, remains a problem; the same applies to a lack of appropriate coordination mechanisms between all institutions dealing with environmental protection." (Mina kursiveringar)

Nej, nu ska jag nog flytta med mig laptopen till Starbuck's och få morgonfika. Rapporterna hinner jag väl sen?


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